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Basic Info:
I started out on making Fenris's Apocalypse a long time ago, which is a multiplayer RPG that I worked on for a VERY long time. It is a hack'n slash, but arn't there many good RPGs hack'n slash too? It came from a board game I used to play with my friends a long time ago, then when I saw I could make it online, it made it alot easier to play. It is about corrupted gods (like the corrupted god type ideas of Diablo and Everquest put together.) that used to be good, but when they saw what was going on, and how people were so horrable to the earth, they began to even have corruption in the God of Hatred (Unsoullus), so they banished him to the earth. After this, the other gods still became corrupted and they each started to hurt humans in different ways. The God of Fear (Bellfran) decided to instead fo scaring people away from dangerous things, make dangerous things for them to be scared of. He then began capturing the spirits of those who past away, and sent them for an eternity of torcher, killing people on the earth. Kensharyf`Bain (Goddess of Justice) began to destroy people with other people, by making people go to war for useless reasons. She then was renamed the Goddess of Warfare for this. Meckorfelisive (God of the Elements) went totally crazy and became more of a beast than a god, though still in a godly form. Hermesive-Gaul (God of Miracles) started to make anti-miracles, such as raining meteors from the sky or making things spontainiously explode/implode. He was the head of the gods, and though the god of Creation was not watching, he asked Ceris (God of Creation) for a power to stop the other god from killing the humans. Ceris gave him a suit of armor, and a sword capable of killing them all. After he recieved the sword though, he decided to do something horrable with it. He corrupted it, then when the Arch Angel, Fenris came to ask for power to defend his legion of Angels, he gave Fenris the sword, which completely corrupted Fenris within the handle, and turned him into a super anti-god. The god of Miracles then dissipeared, and Fenris stepped up in his place, as the leader of the gods. He was then renamed "Fenris, The Arc Angel" For his incredible power over other angels. He then banished Jeralosi (Goddess of Love) to a continent where she was never seen again. Fenris flew in and terrorized a small city named "Torollas," then told them they had 1 year to survive untill their undoing. You, who have had his family killed by him, decided to take out Fenris to avenge his family's death.
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