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Here is a small story, that tells how the continents of Earth: Sharevaya, Nelbee,
Gustavorous-Ceris (The Light Planes), Korathowl, Euris, and Sephoria got into the
biggest crises ever to strike man-kind.
It all started in the year, 1426. Everything was peacefull before this, exept for the
occational war. Sharevaya, the largest continent on the planet, the biggest populations
and most cities had plans to attack Euris, and Sephoria, but instead was able to make
peace with them. They did not want Korathowl, for all that broke loose there from the scientist, Kora's
living experiments turning on him and everyone else, creating the biggest massacre
since the first Eurie-Sharevayan war. The only way Kora got away with the experiments is
by shutting himself in an underground laboratory underneath his old one after the crises at Kora Labs,
Nothing was there,
plus it was to risky with all the horrors in his own continent. To make
it more secretive, he made the people and scientists that lived in the lab build a giant wall to
shut off the access of on-comming ships heading their way. After the massacre, people of Nelbee
said that since there were so many casulties because of it, that for easier access, a gateway
to hell was opened up to swallow the wrongful souls.
Since the Light Planes were the named The Lands of Terror (It was called this because of the
massacres that would happen every time explorers would land there.), this made them not want
it eather.
This left one continent left - The Third largest continent, Nelbee. They made plans to whipe out
Nelbee and take it for there own, when Euris got it's revenge for the casulties of the
Eurie-Sharevayan war. It sent 2000 knights to Sharevaya to attack it's capitol, Shaine.
The Euris warriors were annihilated. Shaevaya counter-attacked Euris and began a war
with it. This saved Nelbee to untill the war was over.
It's now 1428 and the war is far from over. Nelbee was gonna be safe for a long time, or maybe for
generations if Euris won. But then it happened.
One morning in Torollas, there was a rumble comming from the far west. As the day progressed,
the rumble got louder and louder. Finally by evening, the rumbling showed it's self - and
showed it's self violently. A large, wolf shaped creature raised from the sea. It started the
destruction right away. It started terrorizing Torollas for that whole night. Finally, the knights
gathered their weapons and started to attack it. Their weapons just bounced off of him, as if
he was made of the same material (Later it was discovered that it was made out of Vanadium),
he began killing and killing untill finally the town leader, High Priest Rill`Tan took a stand.
He casted a powerful spell called Fire Tornado on the monster. It spooked the monster,
so it ran into the middle of town and hid in a hole there. the hole was accually a grave pre-made
for High Priest Rill`Tan for when he did die. They locked the monster away, and he was never
seen again. The villagers were so terrified, they gave the monster a name. They named it,
The Ganarohc, meaning in the Sephorian language, "The Life Devourer."
It seemed as they were living the good life again. It was a year later when one faithful night,
while Rill`Tan was taking a midnight walk with his knights, they saw a gigantic flame burst out of
the grass, and a demon rising from Hell itself. The demon, without Rill`Tan being able to respond
grabbed at the cross shapped key Rill`Tan used to lock away The Ganarohc, and while trying to grab it
from his neck, the demon who at the time was moving the speed of sound, slaughtered Rill`Tan into
a gory mess, got the key, and was able to make an escape before the knights were even able
to blink. It shocked the whole town.
Now the real destruction happens. The next night after Rill`Tan was killed, an erie feeling
was floating over the people. they all had a feeling that the demon wasn't the end of the destruction to their beloved town. Then at about midnight that night it happened.
While the people were burying Rill`Tan, they felt a
cold breeze. They looked up at the full moon and to their horror, the demon had returned!
But this time he was carrying a massive sword. They could not see the demon clearly for he was
blocking the moonlight. But as he slowly flew down, he became clear. For it was not the murderous demon
at all -- It was what seemed to be an Arch Angel! He immediatly began slaughtering people endlessly.
They couldn't fight back for he was to strong. So they ran, but only a few were able to escape.
The Arch Angel fled to the west. All the destruction seemed to be products of
Gustavorous-Ceris's mystic monsters but no one really knew.
Then after the few escaped, before they got to Nelbee, The Arch Angel left a note
to a terrified stiff Nelbee resident. When he handed it to him, he said, "Herfatol lu geourt,"
meaning in Sephorian, "The End is Near." Shortly after that, the fleeing Torollas
resisdents got to Nelbee and told the whole story. Then they all read the note left behind
by The Arch Angel. it read,
"Herfatol lu geourt, I am the Apocalypse, all your fate is
within my hands, for I am Fenris, The Arc Angel, I am so much more
powerful than the other Arch Angels, I have my own pre-name apart. Enjoy the final
year of your life while you can, survivors, but hear me this: You will now live in fear, in
a continent drivin by destruction, places you once know, are now the Corruption.
Bow to your god, your death, your fraud.
Your Fate Has been sighted, drivin, decided.
Herfatol lu geourt, Herfatol lu geourt, Herfatol lu geourt..."
Keep his plans from being reality, while you still can!
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