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Chamber of the gods
Level: 150
Monsters: Level 195 Kensharyf`Bain
Items of interest: `Bain wares
Information: When you have fought through the rather tough area to get here, you will find yourself fighting the Goddess of Warfare herself, Kensharyf`Bain. She uses the nasty version of Threads of Fate, so run from the second half of the casting of it if you can. She will go into a fury every once in a while, making her hit with a devistation, double, or triple with every hit. When you see her go into a rage (the text that tells you is blue) run from her and stay away from her untill it says she calms down. In order to tell if she has or not she has to be in view. She will take targeted shots at you with her Fellowship of Darkness dagger, and if she stabs you in the face, you probably will need healing. After what you thought would be taking her out, she doesn't die but instead grows mecketon tubes out of her head and starts fighting you with her Hooks of Ceris and her Mecketon Goreclaw. She just got alot harder and shes back to full life. Follow the last strategy with her again and you should be OK. She might teleport around the room, and if shes in this form, she will also summon you as well. Not ONLY that but she will also cast Mecketon Discharge on you from afar. She has very nice loot, but unlike Bellfran which mainly had caster loot, she has melee character loot. Also some nifty female-only items as well. She holds the last badge, the Badge of Warfare, that you need to get into the 4th and 5th floor of Mecketon Fortress.
--Info submitted by Kunark--
-Strategy Guide-
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