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Level range: 14-27
Monsters: Level 12 Rabid Townsmen, level 14 Zombies, level 16 Undead Monks, level 18 Undead Blue Monks, level 15 Undead Warriors, level 16 Undead Warriors (Shielded), level 3 skeletons, level 5 ghosts, level 25 forgotton spirit, level 8 Skeleton Legionarrie, level 23 High Priest Rill`Tan, level 26 Shadow of Fenris, level 156 The Ganarohc
Items of interest: Orb 8th Power, Shadow Arms, Hand of Rill`Tan
Information: Ahh, sweet air! You old hometown, but now in ruin. Torollas is totally an optional area. It is not really that hard, just big. All though, you should probably get to level 20 before coming here. It is full of corrupted and deseased townsfolk, and lots of freshly dead bodies. In the very large house to the north of the park area that starts at the gates, one of the back doors to that house (It's a motel if you couldn't figure it out by yourselves) is locked, but where is the key?? In a small shack in an alley to the west of the court yard, there is a dead lady in this shack. The key is on her corpse. Get the key and continue past the motel (You might want to stop by the other locked door in the motel and kill the forgotten spirit for some great experience before you run out the back. Once in the back, you are now in the urban area of Torollas. Explore the buildings untill you find a barracks with many undead warriors in it. The Undead Warrior in the room in the center of the barracks room has the next key. Grab the key and run back down to the main gate. To the left of the main gate is a jail cell containing a woman bandit, and she is locked in the cell, but surprise! You've got the jail key from the jail master! Open the jail door and kill the corrupted bandit, she has the key to the Torollas chapel. The chapel is past the houses to the east of the main park. After your past that, you'll see a muddy river, the chapel is right above that. Open the chapel and kill through the monks untill you hit a staircase in a worshipping room. Up the staircase, in the second floor of the chapel, you'll find metal tiling. DON'T step on these tiles for if you havent seen them before, they are traps, and running through god knows how many of them will most likely be fatal depending on level. Past the second floor staircase, on the third floor, you'll find a room full of monks and behold! High Priest Rill`Tan is there, your old town master! High Priest Rill`Tan Death Touches and that is his only real difficulty. Once killed (again) he will drop his hand. Use this hand to conjure up a portal to a battle room. In this room is your nemesis Fenris, The Arc Angel. He decides he is too strong to fight you with his flesh (and by golly he is, damnit!) so he makes his shadow attack you, which unlike him, is fightable for a single person. He is extremely tough untill level 30, when you can kill him in a few quick, strong blows. He Death Touches like crazy and slashes for horrable amounts. Once dead, he will drop the Orb 8th Power, which will be your orb till Mecketon Fortress. If your lucky, he will also drop the very useful, Shadow Arms.
((For people in Torollas after The Ganarohc))
Gana's hole is in the urban city area square. To get his key, you must travel to Old Pharowa and complete the arena battles. Then as your reward, select to blow up a building in Racke. The building is a small shack close to the enterence of Old Pharowa. When you drop into the hole, you are immediatly attacked by the one who killed Rill`Tan. The Speed Demon hits for about 1500 to 3000 and hits about 10 times per second. You most likely will die, but if you die, do not fear, you can come back for more. Every scratch counts. Once dead, he will drop Rill`Tan's key to The Ganarohc's grave. Go back to Torollas with a few pals, and open up the tomb. The Ganarohc, is a mechanical werewolf whoms skin is made out of Vanadium. When in battle, try putting your characters at all four corners of him (Unless you have a rogue, if you have a rogue, KEEP THE ROGUE BEHIND HIM at all times for some serious damage. As long as someone is at the bottom of him or to the right of him, he will not attack the rogue to the north of him.) He has an area effect desease attack that is very damaging. When he summons his sword into someone, that someone just sustained a hard blow so you should probably heal them when that happens. Don't fight The Ganarohc unless your level 150, and have at least 1 other friend with you. Good clerics and necros can solo him, and sometimes even warriors can. He drops the powerful 6000 strength sword that he summons from his body.
--Info submitted by Kunark--
-Strategy Guide-
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