Fort Shaine-Euris

Level range:  13-150

Monsters:  Level 11 Sharevayan Trainees, level 20 Sharevayan Knights, level 68 Sharevayan Captains, level 135 Sharevayan Warlords, level 130 Sharevayan Mages, level 150 Sharevayan Elementalists, level 150 Oci Ectnovish, level 150 Sharevayan Arch Mage

Items of interest:  Blade of the Elements

Information:  Find your way through the first area, but before you go into the second area, send in a Dark Assassin to sneak past everything and spine tap or double backstab Oci Ectnovish (hes on the left path from the enterence.)  Then after he is dead, bring your other team mates into the right of the enterence.  There is a few safe spots that you will not have mages blasting your brains out in.  Fighting the Arch Mage is like fighting an army of mages sort of so expect a hard battle.


--Info submitted by Kunark--

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