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Mecketon Fortress
Level: 150
Monsters: Level 168 Bloody Angels, level 170 Eclipses, level 150 Priests of Ceris, level 160 High Priests of Ceris, level 174 Arch Angels, level 191 Death Angels, level 172 Fortress Assassins, level 175 Guardian of Revivication, level 130 Constructs (Dragon), level 171 Constructs (Flesh), level 188 Bellfran, level 204 Mecketon Dragon II, level 200 Commander Kilackafean Bektechrah, level 170 Meckorfelisive
Items of interest: Bellfran wares, Mindsucker Leach, Vampiric Impaler, Angel Protector, Final Orb, Mecketon Sword II, Battleaxe of Miracles, Dark Assassin Spear, Key of Terror, Key of Warfare, Mecketon Fortress Revive Key
Information: The final encounter, this is where it all comes to a close. Mecketon Fortress is HUGE so be prepared to spend hours and hours inside. The enemies sometimes will drop great gear so be sure to take some time jsut for killing as well. When you first enter Mecketon Fortress, you need to go down the right path or else you will have to run through an Arch Angel and a Construct, plus it's the wrong way to go. I can't spend as much time and effort it would take to make percise directions, but I can tell the basis of where you need to go and strategies of areas and enemies. On the first floor, you will soon come accross a huge room with an Arch Angel, Assassin, and Priest in the middle of it. You can avoid them by staying close to the wall. The room that has a space-projection guarding an earlier dead end path is a safe spot (close the doors so eclipses dont wander in.) Past that you will discover lots of Assassins. Keep someone behind you at all times when going into this room for they need to be at your back. Make a string of players so not one back is exposed. If you haven't encountered one yet, Arch Angels will pull you towards them no matter where you are on the floor, so try to avoid them. On the second floor, you will see the other invisible maze to the left (this one is much more confusing) and another hall to the left with mecketon fields in it. There is an assassin in the southeast corner of the hallway so be careful past this you will see two more paths. The left path leads to Bellfran's tower, which you can't go to yet (You need a key.) Go into the second hallway where you'll see the stairs ot the third floor. On the third floor, you will encounter a few eclipses wandering about. Kill them and run to the far right hallway and all the way to the back of the hallway. There is two doors at the end, one is above, and the other is below. If you try to open the below door, you notice it is locked. Try the upper door. You will fight the Guardian of Rivivication. Next to him are keys to the door below, where you will find a translocater, th most useful object in Mecketon Fortress. Get a newbie/player to stand there and not follow you around and battle, so when everyone else dies, they can all be translocated by the newbie/player back to the teleportation pad next to it. Go back to where the hallways cross and this time, run up the north hallway. Up the north hallway is an Arch Angel surrounded by priests so be ready. After their dead, run up the left path and skim the corner into the hallway leading east. At the end of this hallway, DO NOT go down unless you want to kill random enemies for items. Go up, and without making the two Bloody Angels see you, and go into the door to your left. In this door is a long hallway that leads to the Key of Terror (Use this to get to Bellfran's Tower.) You will see a few Arch Angels alone when other arn't in this hallway. Don't be deceived! There is an Assassin behind them. Grab the key and get back down to the second floor. Take the left path this time at the foot of the stairs and travel through the one way hallway to Bellfran's Tower. Bellfran is the first really hard boss you'll fight, all though, hes nothing compared to other really hard bosses. One of his undead companions play you a song, then he will appear at the top of the roundish room. Bellfran doesn't use brute force to kill you like your used to bosses doing, instead he will cough up poisonous gasses, drain you, spray acidic blasts at you, summon undead companions, and cast fear on you. If your really unlucky he will summon a body double that is as strong as him, but has much less life. Make sure you figure out wich is the double and kill it first becouse two Bellfrans are worse than one of course. Once dead, take his randomly selected loot and run (If you got a Shrouded Gem to drop, give it to a Necromancer, it enhances their pet wurms when they are summoned.) Run back to the invisible maze, go through it, and at the end, wait for your buddies because even if you can take out the Bloody Angel at the enterence out alone, you will need help on the Arch Angel inside the room. After the Arch Angel is dead, grab the Warfare keys (You know what they do of course,) and run back to the enterence to the hallway you saw the two Bloody Angels by torches on the third floor. Kill them and fight your way up the ledge. After killing the Death Angel, you will use the key to open the door and go into the Chamber of the Gods hope. (See Chamber of the Gods for info on this battle.) After your done, go back to the hallway where the translocater is. This time open the first door in the hall. Hope you killed Unsoullus in TotD because you need all the Badges so far from the gods to open this door. Once open, you enter the 4th floor. This floor is a big and dangerous maze. One way through this maze leads you to a room with an arrow pointing to the wall... Huh? The wall it's pointing to is a fake wall. Go through the fake wall, go up the stairs, and do battle with Mecketon Dragon II. This battle is totally optional. Mecketon Dragon II, like his weaker counterpart, is a rogue, but this guys backstabs are hard and his spine taps are numerous and real. He drops a powerful sword called Mecketon Sword II. The other path in the huge maze leads to the fifth floor. On the fifth floor is a translocater and two other staircases. Both lead to boss rooms. The right stairs lead to Meckorfelisive, a fairly easy boss compared to what you've been fighting. He will cast Maelstrom alot though. The left stairs take you to Commander Kilackafean Bektechrah, which is a very tough battle. he does only as much damage as a Death Angel, but he has tons and tons more HP. It is a long hard battle, but as long as your clerics are healing well, you'll be fine. After the battle, a hole will open up above the enterence to the fifth floor. Go into this hole when your ready. This is continued on Chamber of Decisions.
--Info submitted by Kunark--
-Strategy Guide-
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